
Proceedings Introduction

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1. 單一作者
(2)大社層(吳樂群, 1993)和嶺口礫岩(吉田要, 1932;孫習之, 1965)。

2. 雙作者
(2)發表十萬分之一海岸山脈地質圖(王源與陳文山, 1993)

3. 三名作者以上
(2)崩積物源自西北側大陸斜坡至上部深海沖積扇環境(陳文山等, 2006)



1. 單一作者
(1) Tsukada (1967) reported the pollen stratigraphy of a core with 12.79 m……
(2)應較符合週邊型前陸盆地(Dickinson, 1974)

2. 雙作者
(1)根據這些測量值我們計算出Sneed and Folk (1958)所定義的……
(2) …… the forest steppe in Eastern Europe (Wang and Hsu, 1988)

3. 三名作者以上
(1)根據Bassi et al. (2009)在沖繩島群的調查
(2)…… the frequent flooding at that time (Liew et al., 2006)



1. 期刊
紀文榮 (1982) 台灣利吉層墾丁層內之超微化石及其在地質構造上之意義。地質,第4卷,第1期,第99-114頁。

吳榮華 (2009) 我國能源安全體系建置。能源報導(2009年),5月號,第8-10頁。

2. 特刊、專刊及專(叢)書中其中一篇文章或章節
陳琴與陳汝勤 (1973) 海洋學。中山自然科學大辭典-地球科學(林朝棨主編),第84-137頁,台灣商務印書館。

3. 專書

陳于高 (1993) 晚更新世以來南台灣地區海水面變化與新構造運動研究。國立台灣大學地質學研究所博士論文,共158頁。


何春蓀 (1986) 台灣地質概論-台灣地質圖說明書(增訂第二版)。經濟部中央地質調查所,共164頁。


林啟文、陳文山、劉彥求與陳柏村 (2009) 臺灣東部與南部的活動斷層。經濟部中央地質調查所特刊(第23號),經濟部中央地質調查所,共178頁。

4. 專門及研究報告
工業技術研究院 (1994),台灣地熱探勘資料彙編。能源研究發展基金研究報告(編號:06-3-83-0252-2)。經濟部能源委員會,共538頁。

5. 會議
(1) 海報
胡正恆、賴慈華、陸挽中、潘文欽、謝孟龍與劉平妹 (2009) 初探花蓮孢粉:東台灣一萬三千年來之古環境變遷。海報,中國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會九十八年年會暨學術研討會, 5月5-6日。嘉義縣:中正大學,GC34-P。

(2) 論文摘要
李建成與詹瑜璋 (2005) 從地質構造與岩性反映之摩擦力學特性來探討車籠埔斷層南北段地震破裂物理特性之差異。論文摘要,中國地質學會九十四年年會暨學術研討會,5月19-20日,桃園縣:中央大學,第24頁。

6. 網站資料(參考英文參考文獻格式)
GIA (2006) IEA Geothermal Energy。Annual Report, 2006。http://www.iea-gia.org/。(上網日期7月1日, 2010年).


1. 期刊

Kennett, J.P., Keller, G. and Srinivasan, M.S. (1985) Miocene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography and paleoceanographic development of the Indo-Pacific region: Geological Society of America Memoirs, vol. 163, p. 197-236.


Shaw, B.E. (2000) The edges of large earthquakes and the epicenters of future earthquakes: stress-inducedd correlations in elastodynamic fault models: Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol. 157, p. 2149-2164.


Yuan, X., Ni, J., Kind, R., Mechie, J. and Sandvol, E. (1997) Lithospheric and upper mantle structure of southern Tibet from a seismological passive source experiment: Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 102, no. B12, p. 27491-27500. doi:10.1029/97JB02379.


Long, M.D., Till, C.B., Druken, K.A., Carlson, R.W., Wagner, L.S., Fouch, M.J., James, D.E., Grove, T.L., Schmerr, N. and Kincaid, C. (2012) Mantle dynamics beneath the Pacific Northwest and the generation of voluminous back-arc volcanism: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 13, Q0AK07. doi:10.1029/2012GC004056.

2. 特刊、專刊及專(叢)書中其中一篇文章或章節

Rudnick, R.L. (1992) Xenolith-sample of the lower crust. In Continental Lower Crust (Edited by Fountain, D.M., Arculus, R. and Kay, R.W.), p. 269-316, Elsevier.


Dickinson, W.R. (1974) Plate tectonics and sedimentation. In Tectonics and Sedimentation (Edited by Dickinson, W. R.), Spec. Publ. SEPM, 22, p. 1-27, SEPM.


Blum, A.E. and Stillings, L.L. (1995) Feldspar dissolution kinetics. In Chemical Weathering Rates of Silicate Minerals (Edited by White, A.F. and Brantley, S.L.), Reviews in Mineralogy, 31, p. 291-351, Mineral Society of America, Washington, USA.


ASTM (1975) Standard D-2797: Standard practice for preparing coal samples for microscopical analysis by reflected light. In 1975 Annual book of ASTM Standards: pt. 26: gaseous fuels, coal and coke, atmospheric analysis (Edited by ASTM), p. 350-354, ASTM, Philadelphia, USA.

3. 專書

Boggs, S.Jr. (2006) Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, 4th Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall, USA, 726 p.


Hsieh, M.L. (1999) Holocene Tectonics in the Fold and Thrust Belt, Southwestern Foothills, Taiwan: Evidence Revealed by River Terraces. Ph.D. Thesis, Geological Department, State University of New York at Binghamton, New York, USA, 206 p.

4. 專門及研究報告

MRSO (1969) Final report of geothermal exploration in Tatun Volcano Group (1). Mining Research and Service Organization Report (No. 90), Industrial Technology Research Institute, 36 p. (in Chinese)

5. 會議
(1) 海報
Lo, L., Wei, K.Y., Shen, C.C., Ke, H.C., Chung, C.K. Lee, M.Y. and Mii, H.S. (2007) Sea surface temperature variation of the western Pacific warm pool at its southern margin during the past 2.2 ma at ODP Site 1115B, Woodlark Rise. Poster presented at the 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography, September 3-7, Shanghai, China.

(2) 論文摘要
Lee, C.R. and Cheng, W.T. (1986) Preliminary heat flow measurements in Taiwan, in Proceedings, 4th Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference, August 17-22, Singapore, p. 1-9.

6. 網站資料
GIA (2006) IEA Geothermal Energy. Annual Report, 2006. http://www.iea-gia.org/. (accessed July 1,2010).